"Bony and long legged, with a body shaped like a boulder it stood there. Wild hair and half a wooden mask I saw. Thats when I realized it had to be a bakru."
- The traveling merchant, relaying his story to Zaire -
Bakru's are creatures with a devious nature. They originated in the Surinamese Folklore and the stories about them show spirits with goblin like features and a face half flesh half wood. Bakru's are attracted to wealth. If treated right they will bring their master economic privileges, luck and wealth. If treated poorly however, Bakru's will use their ties to black magic to bring their master to an untimely end.
The Bakru's we find in Gilded are nephews of these Surinamese taunters. They take on various forms, similar to the height of a human and they need wealth to use their magic. Precious stones in particular of which the Ruby and the Hematite are favourites.
Different stones generate different forms of magic. Chrysoprase for example channels the power of coursing water and Ruby a powerful form of shadow magic.
Size and quality of the stones are all of influences for the tricks the Bakru's can pull on the unfortunate souls that stand between them and their desired riches.